Fame | Colby Donaldson net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Colby Donaldson? When is Colby Donaldson's birthday? Where is Colby Donaldson born? Where did Colby Donaldson grow up from? What's Colby Donaldson's age?

Colby Donaldson Born: April 1, 1974 (age 49years), Christoval, Texas, United States

Is Colby Donaldson married? When did Colby Donaldson get married? Who's Colby Donaldson's married to? (Who's Colby Donaldson's husband / wife)?

Colby Donaldson Spouse: Britt Bailey (m. 2016)

How about Colby Donaldson's parents?

Colby Donaldson Parents: Gay Donaldson

How about Colby Donaldson's sibling?

Colby Donaldson Sibling: Reid Donaldson

What is Colby Donaldson from Survivor doing now?

Originally from Christoval, Texas, Colby Donaldson is a successful, self-employed custom auto designer and builder currently living in Dallas, Texas.

How many times did Colby play Survivor?

Colby Donaldson (born April 1, 1974) is an American television personality. He became the runner-up of Survivor: The Australian Outback (2001). He then competed on two more Survivor seasons, Survivor: All-Stars (2004) and Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains (2010).

Was Colby Donaldson on Bones?

Other television shows Donaldson has been in include Bones, Reba, Just Shoot Me, Rachael Ray, and he appeared on the big screen in Red Eye. Donaldson gained his gun and hunting experience during his upbringing in rural West Texas before attending Texas Tech.

Why did Colby Donaldson lose?

At Final Tribal Council, Colby's decision of bringing Tina was considered by fans as a big mistake, and which was widely believed to have cost him the competition, because four of the seven jury members gave their votes to Tina, making her the second Sole Survivor and leaving Colby as the runner-up.
