Fame | Matt Overton net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Matt Overton? When is Matt Overton's birthday? Where is Matt Overton born? Where did Matt Overton grow up from? What's Matt Overton's age?

Matt Overton Born: July 6, 1985 (age 37years), San Leandro, California, United States

How about Matt Overton's parents?

Matt Overton Parents: Tom Overton

How about Matt Overton's sibling?

Matt Overton Sibling: Stefan Overton, Nicole Overton

How about Matt Overton's education?

Matt Overton Education: Diablo Valley College, Western Washington University, Tracy High School

How tall is Matt Overton in meters or centimeters?

Matt Overton Height: 1.85m

How about Matt Overton's number?

Matt Overton Number: 45 (Indianapolis Colts / Long snapper), 45 (Jacksonville Jaguars / Long snapper)

How about Matt Overton's position?

Matt Overton Position: Long snapper

What happened to Matt Overton?

He is married to Breanna Overton. They have one daughter together. Overton runs his own youth charity foundation called Pros 2 Youth and owns and operates a small business with his former Nighthawks teammates Maurice Clarett and Chad Lucas called Led By Pros.

How much does Matt Overton make?

Current Contract

Matt Overton signed a 1 year, $1,120,000 contract with the Dallas Cowboys, including an average annual salary of $1,120,000.

Who does Matt Overton play for?

Matt Overton - Dallas Cowboys - news and analysis, statistics, game logs, depth charts, contracts, injuries.

Who is the Dallas Cowboys long snapper?

Cowboys 2023 free agency: Dallas fills a roster hole, signs long snapper Trent Sieg.
