How old is Matt Overton? When is Matt Overton's birthday? Where is Matt Overton born? Where did Matt Overton grow up from? What's Matt Overton's age?
Matt Overton Born: July 6, 1985 (age 37years), San Leandro, California, United States
How about Matt Overton's parents?
Matt Overton Parents: Tom Overton
How about Matt Overton's sibling?
Matt Overton Sibling: Stefan Overton, Nicole Overton
How about Matt Overton's education?
Matt Overton Education: Diablo Valley College, Western Washington University, Tracy High School
How tall is Matt Overton in meters or centimeters?
Matt Overton Height: 1.85m
How about Matt Overton's number?
Matt Overton Number: 45 (Indianapolis Colts / Long snapper), 45 (Jacksonville Jaguars / Long snapper)
How about Matt Overton's position?
Matt Overton Position: Long snapper
What happened to Matt Overton?
He is married to Breanna Overton. They have one daughter together. Overton runs his own youth charity foundation called Pros 2 Youth and owns and operates a small business with his former Nighthawks teammates Maurice Clarett and Chad Lucas called Led By Pros.
How much does Matt Overton make?
Current ContractMatt Overton signed a 1 year, $1,120,000 contract with the Dallas Cowboys, including an average annual salary of $1,120,000.
Who does Matt Overton play for?
Matt Overton - Dallas Cowboys - news and analysis, statistics, game logs, depth charts, contracts, injuries.
Who is the Dallas Cowboys long snapper?
Cowboys 2023 free agency: Dallas fills a roster hole, signs long snapper Trent Sieg.