Mickey Rourke, an American actor, recently appeared on Newsmax to discuss the present Russia-Ukraine conflict. During the conversation, the Angel Heart actor commended Ukrainians’ battling spirit in the midst of difficult circumstances in their nation. He said,
“Ukraine is battling harder than anybody thought… I believe everyone expected it to be finished in 2-5 days. But whatever occurred, happened. But the Ukrainians are currently fighting so hard that they are not going to give up.”
The actor also said that he believes in Ukrainians’ fighting spirit and delivered a lesson about having faith in difficult times. He declared,
“I don’t care if there are only two Ukrainians left; they will fight until they die.” I hope they could fight a lot. The only thing that will put a stop to this craziness when the time comes will be from above, not from below.”
Newsmax closes out a week that began with Ukraine war commentary from Ted Nugent with additional perspective from actor Mickey Rourke. pic.twitter.com/DxkJRzuOIF
— Ron Filipkowski 🇺🇦 (@RonFilipkowski) March 18, 2022
The interview tape was extensively shared on social media; however, instead of Mickey Rourke’s comments on the Russia-Ukraine issue, some people commented that he was practically unrecognizable in the film.
Mickey Rourke was formerly recognized as one of Hollywood’s most recognizable faces. He made his feature film debut in 1941, a little part in Steven Spielberg’s 1941, and rose to prominence in 1981 with Body Heat. In addition to Diner, Rumble Fish, 912 Weeks, Barfly, Angel Heart, Year of the Dragon, Homeboy, and Wild Orchid, the 69-year-old has been in films such as Diner, Rumble Fish, 912 Weeks, Barfly, Angel Heart, Year of the Dragon, Homeboy, and Wild Orchid. However, in the early 1990s, the actor opted to pursue a professional boxing career, abandoning a thriving acting career. Rourke allegedly began boxing at the age of 12 and had an amateur boxing career before entering the Hollywood world.
Between 1964 and 1973, Rourke won 27 contests, including 12 consecutive knockouts, and lost three. His comeback to the ring as a professional boxer in the 1990s was also a success. He was unbeaten in eight matches, winning six of them, including four knockouts and two draws. Unfortunately, his boxing career was marred by a series of serious facial injuries. Rourke allegedly suffered a fractured nose twice, as well as toe and rib injuries. For a period, he also had a split tongue, a crushed cheekbone, and even short-term memory loss.
Rourke has much reconstructive surgery to repair his boxing injuries. However, several of those procedures did not provide the intended results, prompting the actor to go under the knife on a regular basis. When compared to his first debut in the profession, Rourke’s facial characteristics were practically unidentifiable. During a 2009 interview with The Daily Mail, the Wrestler star finally spoke up about his injuries. He confirmed at the time,
“My nose was fractured twice. I underwent five nose surgeries and one for a fractured cheekbone.”
Similarly, he also discussed his reconstructive surgery and how it altered his look. He said,
“Most of it was to repair the damage done to my face from boxing, but I went to the incorrect man to put my face back together.”
Mickey Rourke’s appearance has sparked considerable curiosity after his recent interview with Newsmax. Following the interview, numerous individuals flocked to Twitter to express their interest in his new look. He appeared in the fourth season of The Masked Singer in 2020 but quit the program soon after performing Ben E King’s Stand By Me as the “Gremlin.”
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