How old is Virginie Viard? When is Virginie Viard's birthday? Where is Virginie Viard born? Where did Virginie Viard grow up from? What's Virginie Viard's age?
Virginie Viard Born: 1962 (age 61years), Dijon, France
Does Virginie Viard have any children? What are the names of Virginie Viard's children? What are the ages of Virginie Viard's children?
Virginie Viard Children: Robinson Fyot
How about Virginie Viard's education?
Virginie Viard Education: Carnot High School
How about Virginie Viard's costum_design_for_film?
Virginie Viard Costum_design_for_film: Three Colours: Blue
What is Virginie Viard known for?
Everything You Need to Know About Chanel's New Designer Virginie Viard. The late Karl Lagerfeld's right-hand woman is the first female designer to take helm of the brand since Gabrielle Chanel herself.
How old is Virginie Viard?
Everything You Need to Know About Chanel's New Designer Virginie Viard. The late Karl Lagerfeld's right-hand woman is the first female designer to take helm of the brand since Gabrielle Chanel herself.
Who is the head designer for Chanel now?
Everything You Need to Know About Chanel's New Designer Virginie Viard. The late Karl Lagerfeld's right-hand woman is the first female designer to take helm of the brand since Gabrielle Chanel herself.
Who designed for Chanel after Coco?
Everything You Need to Know About Chanel's New Designer Virginie Viard. The late Karl Lagerfeld's right-hand woman is the first female designer to take helm of the brand since Gabrielle Chanel herself.